Custom Tensorrt Plugin thumbnail

Custom Tensorrt Plugin

Built a custom TensorRT plugin, boosting LeNet-5 performance 3x.

Face Recognition for Attendance Management thumbnail

Face Recognition for Attendance Management

Built face recognition systems with python backend, ending in a production-ready API.

Human Detection and Tracking in Surveillance Areas thumbnail

Human Detection and Tracking in Surveillance Areas

Developed a human and vehicle detection system using multi-GPU training on DGX V-100.

DSA Interview Notes: Binary Tree [Part 3] thumbnail

DSA Interview Notes: Binary Tree [Part 3]

Binary Tree: Master BFS and DFS

DSA Interview Notes: Array [Part 1] thumbnail

DSA Interview Notes: Array [Part 1]

Array: Sounds simple, yet involve variety of tricks

DSA Interview Notes: Linked List [Part 2] thumbnail

DSA Interview Notes: Linked List [Part 2]

Linked List: It's all about pointer manipulation

DSA Interview Notes: Matrix [Part 4] thumbnail

DSA Interview Notes: Matrix [Part 4]

Matrix: Navigate grids extending concepts of traversal

DSA Interview Notes: String [Part 5] thumbnail

DSA Interview Notes: String [Part 5]

String: practice subsequences and parentheses question

DSA Interview Notes: Stack & Queue [Part 6] thumbnail

DSA Interview Notes: Stack & Queue [Part 6]

Know when to make monotonic increasing/decreasing data structures

Job Hunting and Recruitment - A Balanced Perspective thumbnail

Job Hunting and Recruitment - A Balanced Perspective

Transparent communication between candidates and recruiters ensures better alignment and successful outcomes.